In respect of estate planning Brown, Findley & Co. provides services which include the preparation of wills and [simple trusts]. The importance of making a will cannot be understated. Here are just some of the things leaving a will allows you to do: Making a Will can ensure that: You retain control over the destiny of your money and possessions even after your death.

You can provide the following;

  • Provide for the future of your relatives who are left behind or can appoint a guardian for your children in the event that you die whilst they are still young.
  • Provide for friends who would not otherwise benefit from your assets after your death and can leave money to particular Charities you may wish to benefit.
  • You can leave gifts of specific possessions that you would wish to stay in the family.
  • Specify how you would like your body to be disposed of after your death, or state that you would wish your body to be used for medical research or training You can relieve the pressures on your family & friends by deciding how to distribute your assets after your death.
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